Maybe you want to get inspired and explore what it’s like to blog anonymously! Or perhaps you’re just curious about what people are saying without worrying about their identity.
Whatever the reason, many popular anonymous blogs out there are worth reading. Most aren’t updated regularly, but they’re full of exciting content.
13 Successful & Popular Anonymous Blogs (2023)
Some bloggers of these not-so-popular and famous anonymous blog sites have revealed their identities. But so what! They entertained us with their wit or whistleblowing about something important while keeping their anonymity in the past.
Let’s get the list started right now 🙂
1/ Eduwonkette: Educational and Political Blogs
Founded in 2006, Eduwonkette is a famous anonymous blog written by a woman who used to work in education policy. She covers everything from politics to education reform to higher ed news.
Educator and historian Diane Ravitch praised Eduwonkette’s efforts as “brilliant.” Others criticized her for maintaining anonymity.
But I loved her anonymity because it allowed her to write freely about sensitive topics without fear of retribution. The blog was a powerful vehicle for the press’s stories later reported on.
The anonymous blogger Jennifer Jennings was then a sociology graduate student at Columbia University. I know it because a New York magazine story revealed her identity.
2/ Mosul Eye: Dissident Blogs About Life in Mosul
Mosul Eye was a news blog written by an anonymous historian who documented life in Mosul under ISIS rule.
Sometimes he wrote under the pseudonyms Mouris Milton and Ibn al-Athir al-Mawsilli. However, his real name is Omar Mohammed, as revealed by an APNews story. He’s one of the most famous anonymous bloggers in the world.
Mosul Eye was influential because it provided a first-hand account of life under ISIS rule. It was also one of the few sources of news from Mosul.
3/ Governance Reform At Irish Red Cross
Governance Reform At Irish Red Cross is a crisis blog from an insider. The blogger, who went by the pseudonym “John,” wrote about the organization’s problems and called for change.
And surprisingly, he was the Head of International Programmes at the Irish Red Cross.
In 2012, the blog was shut down, and John’s identity was revealed. He was fired from his job and sued by the Irish Red Cross.
He later successfully sued the IRC for unfair dismissal. Transparency International Ireland also called on the Irish Red Cross to treat Noel Wardick fairly. Interestingly, the blog is still up, and you can read all the posts.
4/ Dooce
Heather Armstrong started Dooce in 2001 to write satirical accounts of her experience at a dot-com company. She also blogged secretly about parenthood, depression, and more.
She was later fired for blogging anonymously. But her blog was so popular that “Dooce” became internet slang for getting fired for doing something online. It attracted over 8.6 million readers and made over $40,000 monthly from ads.
Here’s How to Get: Good Names for Anonymous Bloggers
And the blogger Heather Armstrong appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2009. She was dubbed the “queen of the mommy bloggers” by The New York Times Magazine.
5/ Spocko’s Brain
This San Francisco blogger has shown us that one person with a computer and an internet connection can challenge the world.
He challenged major corporations and beat Disney on a copyright claim. Spocko’s Brain started working when the blogger listened to the violent rhetoric he heard on San Francisco’s right-wing talk shows on KSFO. You can read his story here.
6/ Fed Up With Lunch
Fed Up With Lunch blog successfully got the media’s attention and eventually led to changes in the lunch program in Chicago. Why?
She shared the experience of an anonymous teacher who ate a Chicago area school lunch every day for a year. And she was fed up with lunch; that’s why the blog’s name.
Later she revealed her identity to publish books about this fascinating topic! Sarah Wu is vocal on Twitter and currently blogs at
7/ The Guyliner
This secret London-based blogger started The Guyliner blog about his dating experiences. He was one of the first anonymous bloggers to write openly and honestly about gay relationships.
And his blog was one of the most successful anonymous blogs then.
He’s also been featured in The Guardian, The Independent, Attitude, etc. In 2013, he revealed his identity as Justin Myers. And yes, he has written two novels; The Last Romeo and The Magnificent Sons.
He even ended up on the cover of Guardian Weekend because of the Impeccable Table Manners category on his site.
And guess what; he’s a freelance writer just like me but with different niches. Read his work on Contently if you’re looking for his writing services.
8/ AnonHQ
This anonymous website focuses on news, hacking, and activism. It claims to be “unbiased news for the people” and strives to provide accurate information.
The website has been involved in several controversies; you can Google them. But Anonymous Headquarters is praise-worthy for its commitment to being anonymous. It also encourages you to be anonymous as well.
And you can always contribute your anonymous posts and articles to AnonHQ
9/ Anonymous Official
Anonymous Official is a YouTube channel that shares videos on various topics, including news, politics, AI, and more. The channel has over 3.66 million subscribers and features many popular videos and documentaries.
The Anonymous Official also discusses Elon Musk, Moon Landings, and Jesus!
The channel is known for its “hacktivism,” which uses technology to promote political or social causes. If you’re looking for exciting and thought-provoking videos, I recommend checking out Anonymous Official.
But it’s not just one; many successful anonymous YouTube channels exist.
10/ AnonAnalytics
AnonAnalytics is known for hacktivism with the slogan, “Acquiring information through unconventional means.” According to this blog, anonymity is a movement to promote access to information, free speech, and transparency.
The blog covers a range of topics, from international politics to business. It’s also worth noting that the blog is run by volunteers and accepts submissions from anonymous sources.
So, if you want to blow the whistle on something, this is the place to do it. However, I must warn you that the information shared on this blog is unverified. So, take everything you read with a grain of salt.
11/ Militant Medical Nurse
This blog is all about the issues surrounding nursing care. For example, the Militant Medical Nurse blog covers abuse, neglect, and even patient death. It was a very controversial blog, but it provided a unique perspective on the healthcare industry.
The blog’s author, Nurse Anne, was a registered nurse in a medical ward in the NHS. You’ll indeed have an insider’s view of the profession.
If you’re looking for an insider view of nursing, check it out at least once.
12/ Anonymous Blogs for Depression
Depression is a serious issue, and it’s hard to talk about. But this blog provides a safe space for people to share their experiences with depression. It’s anonymous and offers advice for people struggling with depression.
But wait, there’s more. You can register yourself at the Depression Blogs Chat Rooms and start writing. But the last post was published in August 2019. So, I’m not sure if it’s still active.
But if you want to connect to caring listeners for free emotional support, you can always jump on 7Cups.
13/ Vibin’ Vixen
Anonymous personal sex blogging has been here since 1992. And the reason is apparent; you don’t want to reveal identity when discussing such taboo topics. Vibin’ Vixen is a WordPress blog that shares tips, tricks, and honest sex advice.
FAQs About Successful & Popular Anonymous Blogs & Bloggers
Let me answer some questions about anonymous blogging now.
What is an anonymous blog?
An anonymous blog is where the owners don’t reveal their identity. The author or blogger usually uses a pseudonym or pen name and masks the IP address to hide the identity.
Why do people start an anonymous blog?
People write secret blogs for different reasons. Some people do it to protect their privacy; some do it because they’re afraid of retaliation, and others hide their identity.
Whatever the reason, anonymity provides a certain level of safety for both the writer and the reader.
Can I blog anonymously?
Of course, you can blog anonymously. But you must use a pseudonym or pen name to hide your identity. You can also use a TOR and VPN service to mask your IP address and location.
Many anonymous blogging platforms allow you to create a personal blog. Some of them include,, and TXT.FYI. Check out more!
That’s all for now.
I hope you enjoyed reading about these famous anonymous blogs. And I hope you appreciate that many people have come out to change the world without revealing their identities.
Do you know of any other anonymous, incognito, secret, or ghost blog that deserves to be on this list? Let me know in the comments below, and I’ll add it.
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